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发表于 2011-9-23 18:45:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
《鸣凤记·嵩寿》 :The Crying Phoenix 《单刀会·训子、刀会》 :Bringing a Single Broadsword to the Armed Banquet · Exhorting Children, Broadsword Meeting
•《风云会·送京、访普》 : Winding & Cloud Gathering · Farewell to Jing Niang, Visiting an Able and Virtuous Person
•《八义记· 闹朝、扑犬 》:The Eight Heroes · Disturbing the Court, Capture a Dog
•《一种情·冥勘》 :An Emotion · Underworld Investigation
•《九莲灯·火判》 :Jiulian Lantern · Fire Judge
•《双红记·击犬、盗绘》 :Double Red · Attack Dog, Steal Portrait
•《天下乐·嫁妹》 :Celebrity Under the Heaven · Marrying Sister
•《慈悲愿·北饯 》:A Will of Mercy
•《不服老·北诈》:No Giving in to Old Age
•《人兽关·恶梦》:Human & Beast Barrier ·Nightmare
•《如是观·草地、翠楼》:The View · Grass Land, Green Building
•《宵光剑·闹庄、救青 》:Xiaoguang Sword ·Havoc of the Village, Saving Qin
•《浣纱记·打围、采莲》: Rinsing Yarn, Surrounding, Picking up Lotus
•《连环记·大宴、掷戟》 :Interlink Stratagem · Brand Banquet, Casting Halberd Immortal Celebrating Longevity
•《东窗事犯·扫秦》: East Window Affair · Extirpate Qin
•《荆钗记·参相》:The Purple Hairpin · Impeaching the Minister
•《祝发记·渡江》:Crossing the River
•《义侠记·打虎、游街》: The Tale of the Gallant Hero · Slaughtering the Tiger, parading
•《金锁记·羊肚》 : The Story of the Golden Lock ·
•《连环记·问探》 : Questioning the Spy
•《雁翎甲·盗甲》 :Yanling Amor · Stealing Amor
•《孽海记·下山》 : The Story of the Wicked Sea · Climb Down the Mountain
•南西厢·游殿 Southern West Chamber · Traveling the Palace
•《水滞记·借茶、活捉》: Stagnant Water · Borrowing Tea, Hold Captive
•《跃鲤记· 芦林》:Joyful Carp Reed
•《风筝误》:Kite Error
•《奈何天》 :Knocking on Heaven’s Door
《单刀会·训子、刀会》 :Bringing a Single Broadsword to the Armed Banquet · Exhorting Children, Broadsword Meeting
•《风云会·送京、访普》 : Winding & Cloud Gathering · Farewell to Jing Niang, Visiting an Able and Virtuous Person
•《八义记· 闹朝、扑犬 》:The Eight Heroes · Disturbing the Court, Capture a Dog
•《一种情·冥勘》 :An Emotion · Underworld Investigation
•《九莲灯·火判》 :Jiulian Lantern · Fire Judge
•《双红记·击犬、盗绘》 :Double Red · Attack Dog, Steal Portrait
•《天下乐·嫁妹》 :Celebrity Under the Heaven · Marrying Sister
•《慈悲愿·北饯 》:A Will of Mercy
•《不服老·北诈》:No Giving in to Old Age
•《人兽关·恶梦》:Human & Beast Barrier ·Nightmare
•《如是观·草地、翠楼》:The View · Grass Land, Green Building
•《宵光剑·闹庄、救青 》:Xiaoguang Sword ·Havoc of the Village, Saving Qin
•《浣纱记·打围、采莲》: Rinsing Yarn, Surrounding, Picking up Lotus
•《连环记·大宴、掷戟》 :Interlink Stratagem · Brand Banquet, Casting Halberd

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