1. 根据句子内在的逻辑关系和汉语的表达习惯进行翻译。例如: The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery, under ecologically healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities do today. 这个句子并不复杂,但不好译。这个句子有三层关系,比较、条件和结果,按这种逻辑关系翻译就十分省事。 参考译文:"同今天地面城市里的居民相比,新洞穴里的居民如果在比较健康的生态环境中生活,会有更多的机会见到青枝绿叶。" 2、有些长句需要直译与意译结合,顺译与递译结合,需要综合处理。 But a broader and more generous, certainly more philosophical, view is held by those scientists who claim .that the evidence of a war instinct in men is incomplete and misleading, and that man does have within him the power of abolishing war. 参考译文:有些科学家的观点更开阔,更富有普遍性和哲理性。他们指出,有关人类战争本能的证据尚不完全,而且容易引起误解,事实上,人类自身具有消除战争的能力。 It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astonishing enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences , which she bears unto this day . 这个句子虽长,结构不复杂,如果进行直译,其译文将十分逊色,如果进行综合处理,译文将有声有色,传达原文的神韵。 参考译文:"那里的人们富于大无畏的开创精神,建立庞大的企业,敢冒风险,势如破竹,一干到底,不顾及成本,因此为加利福尼亚赢得了声誉。 3、由于有些句型不同于汉语的思维方式,常常需要进行倒译。 Textile finishes have in general become a "no-no" in today's market place ,thanks to many reasons ,says a represen tative of fiber producer. 一位纤维厂家代表说,由于许多原因,纺织物整理剂在今天的市场上已经到无人的问津的地步。 How much easier, how much more satisfying it is for you who can see to grasp quickly the essential qualities of another person by watching the subtleties of expression, the quiver of a muscle, the flutter of a hand. 比较起来,你们这些有视觉的人,通过观察表情的微妙变化,肌肉的颤动和手势来迅速把握别人的基本品质,则是何等容易,保等满意啊!
1、比喻:有的比喻可以直译,有的则不能,这往往取决于汉语的表达习惯例如: At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes. 如果把stunning ,porcelain-faced woman 译作"一位迷人的陶瓷般脸蛋的妇女"就显得粗俗滑稽,但是不是作者的本意。这时意译就比较好。 "在通往餐厅的门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、十分迷人,她叫我脱下鞋子。" After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery grounds. 他的上部小说失败之后,声誉一落千丈。(不能译为"站在滑动的场地上了。" He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in 误:他乘公共马车到了西部,患了瓦肖地区的金银发烧流行病。 The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt. 误:古老的小日本漂游在灰棕色的钢筋混凝土摩天大楼之间的引入景象是和服与超短裙之间的不断斗争的象征。 正:式样古老小巧的日本房屋像小船一般,漂游在灰棕色的钢筋混凝土摩天大楼之间,这引入注目的景象象征着旧传统和新发展之间的不断斗争。 3、引典。如果是尽人皆知的典故。可以直译,不必加说明,如果多数人不知道,最好是意译,或者直译加注释。 句中meet one's Waterloo是成语典故,由
拿破仑在Waterloo遇到惨败而来,所以要意译。"他吃了大败仗" I asked whether for him ,the arch anti-communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon. 句中bowing down in the House of Rimmon 是成语典故,表示表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同的政治主张,这是口是心非。Rimmon是大马士革人所崇拜的神。House of Rimmon借指英国的下院。如果将这个典故直译,表达不出原意。"我问道,作为头号反共人物(邱吉尔),他这样做是否言行不一,口是心非。"
例如:the open door policy开放政策,the cold war 冷战,to fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁,at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟。但是还有一些习语成语必须意译才能表达出其正确含义。 She was born with a siver spoon in her mouth. You're talking through your had again. You should keep your nose out of here. Good to begin well ,better to end well. 有些词汇在某些场合下具有了新义,如果直译就会曲解原意。所以,要根据语言环境确定具体词义。英语中词义的发展变化十分常见。 He is the last its roses and thorns. Every life has its roses and thorns. The wedding ,which Heyward still remembered with pride ,was attended by a who's who of Boston Society. 赫华德仍然记得,参加婚礼的人中有波士顿的一位社会名流,这使他感到十分得意。
从上述例句可以看出,有些词在某些场合或结构中具有特殊的意义,例如the last, who's who,有的词用其比喻的意义,如roses and thorns ,有的词在特殊场合与句型中词义发生了递转,如yes,no,有的词义有了引伸或发展。总而言之,一个词的具体意义要依其所处的场合、条件、意识和句型而定,不可捕风捉影。直译与意译各有所长、要用其所长。进行直译时要防止进入误区,在有误区的地方要采用意译,使直译与意译相互补充,只有这样才能取得比较理想的效果。